Saturday, November 17, 2012

November 17, 2012

A hammered Spring Ligament has sidelined me for over a month now. The abject disgust with this injury and my subsequent inability to run has been a downer! I've been sporting an air boot, had an MRI, taken a round of steroids and now, anti-inflammatory pills.  This, and I still have to wait another month before I'm cleared to run again.

The key was going to the doctor. Self-medication, denial, thinking it was "no big deal" and otherwise being a jackass about the nagging injury was as myopic as it gets.  The take-away is simply to call the doctor as soon as an injury occurs, regardless of how insignificant it appears to be.  My foot was bothering me for a month before I finally had enough and sought medical attention.  I am missing the Route 66 and, depending on the results of my follow-up visit, may have to sit out the Memorial in May, 2013.