Monday, December 19, 2011

December 18, 2011

A rare Sunday short run after three days of downtime.  A slow and easy six miles.  Cold, but nothing extreme, probably since there was no wind with which to contend.  I will begin the ramp up to training this week, as things get serious in ten days or so.  Here we go again...again.

Time: 57.42
Distance: 5.92
9:45 avg. min/mile
Temp: 35 degrees Fahrenheit

Thursday, December 15, 2011

December 14, 2011

The Rain Song.  I've stated this before: there is nothing like running in the rain.  Hit the road in the midst of a steady downpour this morning.  An easy five miles to continue getting some semblance of a groove back.  Unseasonably warm temps...and a bit sore from Tuesday's weights.

Time: 47:11
Distance: 5.05 miles
9:21 avg. min/mile
Temp: 56 degrees Fahrenheit

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

December 13, 2011

Chest and Tri workout followed by quality time in the whirlpool and steam room.  The regulars were overjoyed to have the whirlpool up and running again.  It's the little things, I suppose.

December 12, 2011

Maintenance runs of 5 miles or so to be the norm until the end of December.  I may venture out for longer runs on the next couple of weekends.  The first long-run of the new training regime is 10 miles and I do not want to get clobbered due to inactivity, hence I am running in December!  

Time: 48:01
Distance: 5.01
9:36 avg. min/mile
Temp: 44 degrees Fahrenheit

Wednesday, December 7, 2011

December 7, 2011

Chest and Tri workout yesterday has left me sore and stiff.  Nice being back to the gym after a much needed break from physical exertion.  I have run twice since the marathon, once on November 28th and then again on December 3rd, even though I swore to the Gods that I would take a month off.  I have been going to the gym to sit in the whirlpool and steam room; however, the whirlpool has been closed due to an unspecified maintenance issue for a week or so. (I have never belonged to a gym that had so many maintenance issues with the steam room and whirlpool!)  Time away from the strict discipline of training has been refreshing...and hard, but totally necessary.  I have yet to swim, but plan on incorporating it into the next training cycle, which begins on December 26, 2011.  In the meantime, the runs, when I decide to hit the pavement, will be cold...currently 23 degrees Fahrenheit (-5 Celsius).