Thursday, August 30, 2012

August 29, 2012

Stepped out to temps in the low 60s for a nice five-mile run.  It felt almost chilly!  Finished strong, which put my pace right at nine-minutes per mile.  It would be wonderful (and highly unlikely) to run the marathon at that pace.  Thursday is an off day.  I have completely neglected my workout responsibilities at the gym!  Maybe next week I'll get a day of lifting in the books...and maybe not.  80 days out...

Time: 46:59
Distance: 5.23 miles
9:00 avg. min/mile
827 cal.
Temp: 63 degrees Fahrenheit

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 28, 2012

Another nice six-mile run in hot and humid conditions.  Patiently awaiting Autumn and cooler temps, but that goes without saying.  Felt slow and a bit stiff and my time reflected it.  Tuesday's run put me over 1,000 miles since I started using Runkeeper to track mileage last August.  Five-miles scheduled for Wednesday.  Saturday's 14-miles looms...

Time: 56.45
Distance: 5.97 miles
9:30 avg. min/mile
938 cal.
Temp: 75 degrees Fahrenheit

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 27, 2012

Kicking off the seventh week of training in hot and humid conditions.  A solid Monday run nonetheless.  Times are trending exactly where I would expect them--nine-minute miles.  Physically, I can feel it; however, no aches or pains at this stage.  Six-miles on Tuesday.

Time: 48:02
Distance: 5.19 miles
9:16 avg. min/mile
811 cal.
Temp: 75 degrees Fahrenheit

Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 25, 2012

Out the door early to enjoy the shortest long-run for the foreseeable future.  In fact, the next single-digit long-run is an eight-miler the weekend before the marathon.  From here on out it gets serious, including two twenty-mile runs in October.  No gym days this past week.  This week's schedule: 5-6-5-6-14.  Thursday and Sundays are off days. 

Time: 1:28:49
Distance: 8.93 miles
9:57 avg. min/mile
1,405 cal.
Temp: 76 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Six Summary:
30 miles (148 for training period)
5 runs and 0 gym days
Weight: 198 lbs. (no change)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 24, 2012

Dawn Patrol and an easy five and change in the books.  It was a beautiful, cool morning with the Police on the box. Reggatta de Blanc (1979) is one of my favorites.  Anyhow, Saturday's long run is nine miles.  I feel that this, the sixth week of Higdon's program, marks the end of the initial training period and a definite transition into harder training and longer miles.  Sunday is an off day!

Time: 48:45
Distance: 5.32 miles
9:10 avg. min/mile
837 cal.
Temp: 72 degrees Fahrenheit

Friday, August 24, 2012

August 22, 2012

Short Timer! Nice and cool yet again for a quick lap around the block...or so it seems.  Thursday is a complete off day this week: no weights.  Returning to the street for six and nine to finish the week.  I am feeling it, for sure...and it's just starting to get serious.  

Time: 34:13
Distance: 3.84 miles
8:56 avg. min/mile
600 cal.
Temp: 72 degrees Fahrenheit

August 21, 2012

Tuesday morning bliss...out the door early for a nice and easy five-miler.  Still having issues with the Runtracker GPS: the tried and true five-miles is now 4.48 miles.  I definitely have some obsessive-compulsive tendencies, but I'm not sweating it! Solid run in nice weather.  Hitting the trail again on Wednesday...

Distance: 4.48 miles
9:20 avg. min/mile
707 cal.
Temp: 68 degrees Fahrenheit

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 20, 2012

Started this, the sixth week of training, off with a very cool (and very nice) 62 degree Monday morning run.  Will tweak the schedule moving forward by adding a day of running, yet will not be adding miles.  Let me explain.  Higdon's model has called for two three-mile runs a week-- since I would rather run six as maintenance, I have simply been combining them in to one six-mile run.  Next week he adds a mile each day, thus bringing the maintenance run to four-miles.  As the miles build, it seems more feasible (from a time management perspective, at least) to adhere to his schedule.  Thus, this week I will run 6-4-4-6-9.  Tuesday's gym day is devoted to the street from here on out!

Time: 55:56
Distance: 6.02 miles
9:18 avg. min/mile
945 calories
Temp: 63 degrees Fahrenheit

Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 18, 2012

Out the door a few minutes after 500 am to get my long run for the week in the books before it became unbearably warm.  Stashed the carbs (Gatorade) at the half-way mark, as well as hit two water stops along the way.  It was a solid end to a good week of training.  I am a bit stiff, most likely due the fact that my training slacked off for two-weeks during our holiday.  For that reason, I did not include those two weeks in my training regiment.  This week is a step-down week in terms of miles: 6-5-6-9.

Time: 1:56:08
Distance: 11.50 miles
10:07 avg. min/mile
1,812 cal.
Temp: 74 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Five Summary:
29 miles (118 for training period)
4 runs and 0 gym days
Weight: 198 lbs. (no change)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 17, 2012

Another cool morning to enjoy an almost six-mile loop around campus.  The route is generally six-miles even; however, the GPS decided to shave .12 miles off of Friday's run.  I felt slow and sluggish, and my pace reflects it. 12 miles set for Saturday morning.  I have yet to break-out the long-sleeves; however, I'm hoping that these cool temps remain...

Time: 54:53
Distance: 5.88 miles
9:20 avg. min/mile
916 cal.
Temp: 68 degrees Fahrenheit

Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 15, 2012

A solid mid-week six-miler in relatively cooler temps.  It may seem a bit counter-intuitive, but I really enjoyed listening to Steely Dan out on the trail. Heading to the gym on Thursday and then finishing out the week with six and eleven-mile runs.  I feel good: hopefully the hottest part of the summer is over and the slow, gradual decent in to autumn can begin!

Time: 53:23
Distance: 6.04 miles
8:51 avg. min/mile
911 cal.
Temp: 71 degrees Fahrenheit

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 13, 2012

Back in the game after a two-week holiday.  Actually, I continued to run, but did so with a much more relaxed focus.  It was nice stepping out at 500 am to enjoy temps in the low 60's for a nice change of pace.  Monday morning's run back in familiar territory was nice and easy.  Feels good to be back in training mode.  This week's schedule is 5-6-6-11.  A mere 96 days out...

Time: 47:55
Distance: 5.03 miles
9:32 avg. min/mile
787 cal.
Temp: 73 degrees Fahrenheit