Saturday, November 17, 2012

November 17, 2012

A hammered Spring Ligament has sidelined me for over a month now. The abject disgust with this injury and my subsequent inability to run has been a downer! I've been sporting an air boot, had an MRI, taken a round of steroids and now, anti-inflammatory pills.  This, and I still have to wait another month before I'm cleared to run again.

The key was going to the doctor. Self-medication, denial, thinking it was "no big deal" and otherwise being a jackass about the nagging injury was as myopic as it gets.  The take-away is simply to call the doctor as soon as an injury occurs, regardless of how insignificant it appears to be.  My foot was bothering me for a month before I finally had enough and sought medical attention.  I am missing the Route 66 and, depending on the results of my follow-up visit, may have to sit out the Memorial in May, 2013.

Saturday, October 13, 2012


Wednesday's five and change convinced me to stay off the street for a bit.  The pain in my foot is an undeniable issue (go figure), so marathon training or not, I feel compelled to rest it.  I am rolling the dice here: hopefully, a week or so of rest will provide some healing and allow me enough time to pick-up training and still make a go of the marathon on November 18 (36 days out).  Or not.  So, maybe I'm not as hard-headed and defiant as I think I am.  We shall see how this saga plays out.

Time: 49.42
Distance: 5.25 miles
9:28 avg. min/mile
801 cal.
Temp: 65 degrees Fahrenheit

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Warmer than Monday's run and a bit of wind, but still very pleasant.  Foot pain 3/10 most of the time, although it seems to be more prevalent when not running.  Warming back up in these parts, lows in the 50s and 60s moving forward.  Stepping out for another five and change this morning, while Thursday will be a day of rest. 

Time: 48:51
Distance: 5.38 miles
9:05 avg. min/mile
823 cal.
Temp: 45 degrees Fahrenheit


Coldest run of the cycle! Brought out the long-sleeve compression shirt, hat and gloves for this one.  A beautiful morning with the temp at a solid 33 degrees Fahrenheit.  There was, thankfully, absolutely no wind.  Foot issue continues; however, the extra days of rest seems to have helped.  Ibuprofen and ice/heat will either get me through...or not. 

Time: 49:28
Distance: 5.39 miles
9:11 avg. min/mile
822 cal.
Temp: 33 degrees Fahrenheit

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


After this maintenance run, I felt that taking a couple of extra days to rest my right foot was the best call.  These last two weeks of training, while definitely a huge downer, definitely put the process of marathon training in a clear, realistic perspective: it is brutally difficult on one's body.  I have been running since 1998 and know this well.  My goal is to power through this nagging injury, because I have done it before, but most importantly I am a stubborn jackass who really wants to run this marathon.  A reasonable person would probably go to the doctor and be told to lay off for a month to six weeks, which is what I should do, but...

Time: 49:28
Distance: 5.39 miles
9:11 avg. min/mile
822 cal.
Temp: 62 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Eleven Summary:
16 miles (297 for training period)
3 runs and 0 gym days
Weight: 196 lbs. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Cool Runnings! Long-sleeve bliss with the temperature a cool 56 degrees Fahrenheit.  Absolutely beautiful heading out Wednesday morning in the pre-dawn hours.  Ran the exact route as Tuesday morning, only a bit faster.  Pain in the right arch persists; however, I switched to a new pair of shoes with the hope that this rectifies things.  We shall see.  Still sore at this stage.  Heading out for six miles shortly.  Tomorrow is my long day: 12 miles on the agenda.  The weekend is for rest and staying off my feet as much as possible.  Weekly total to be right at 30 miles. 

Time: 48:31
Distance: 5.35 miles
9:05 avg. min/mile
817 cal.
Temp: 56 degrees Fahrenheit

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


The eleventh week of training kicked off with an uneventful five miles.  The weather has finally turned, or so it seems, which is great news.  The only issue moving forward is my right foot: it is still sore and painful to the touch.  I will change shoes this morning to see if a new pair will add support.  Continuing with ibuprofen and six-mile runs in the hopes that the pain goes away!

Time: 49:50
Distance: 5.35 miles
9:19 avg. min/mile
816 cal.
Temp: 57 degrees Fahrenheit

Monday, October 1, 2012


A fitting end to this week's training! Headed out in a steady rain, as is customary, and then things got ugly around mile five.  The rain became a downpour and lightening became an issue.  By mile seven it was like running in a typhoon, which is why I bagged it and headed home. I was bummed about stopping short, but it was pointless to continue: had it been a marathon, the race would have been called.  Not the best week of training; however, these things happen.  The plan is to take today, Monday, off and get four runs in this week: 6-6-6-12. 

Time: 1:26:22
Distance: 8.00 miles
10:49 avg. min/mile
1,182 cal.
Temp: 64 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Ten Summary:
32 miles (281 for training period)
5 runs and 0 gym days
Weight: 196 lbs. (-2 lbs)

Sunday, September 30, 2012

Weekend Bliss

As advertised, it was beautiful running weather yesterday morning.  There was a light rain from beginning to end.  A planned six-miles ended up being a slow seven and change (7.28).  Right foot ache (arch) has me a off my game a bit.  Woke up last Tuesday with a bit of discomfort, which has persisted.  I'm relatively concerned due to its nagging nature.  I may rest it another day this week, depending on how it feels post long-run (18 miles) this pm.  It's currently 64 degrees and raining as I prepare to head out. 

Time: 1:12:28
Distance: 7.28 miles
9:57 avg. min/mile
1,099 cal.
Temp: 69 degrees Fahrenheit

Saturday, September 29, 2012

September 29, 2012

An atypical week to be sure: ran Monday, then headed to St. Louis for three days, where I got my work done on the treadmill.  Took Thursday off, as planned, and then slept through Friday's planned 6.5.  So, I'm moving Friday's 6.5 to today, Saturday, which means that Sunday will be an 18-mile long run.  Get it?  I'm positive that there is a more concise and articulate manner in which to convey the fact that I am basically one-day behind, but...

I forgot how much I struggle on the damn treadmill.  So very boring.  Looking forward to hitting the road here this morning: it's currently cool and raining! Nothing like running in the rain.

Monday's Time: 56.37
Distance: 6.00 miles
9:27 avg. min/mile
910 cal.
Temp: 64 degrees Fahrenheit

Tuesday's Treadmill Time: 60:00
Distance: 6.00
10:00 avg. min/mile

Wednesday's Treadmill Time: 50:00
Distance: 5.00 miles
10:00 avg. min/mile

Monday, September 24, 2012

September 22, 2012

Saturday's long-run was definitely a forgettable experience.  Out the door at 430 am in the hopes of getting 17-miles in before the world was up for breakfast.  It was one of those morning when, early on, I knew it would be tough.  Never really felt it.  After pushing it for a couple of miles with the hope of getting through, I bonked at 15.22 miles: completely-out-of-fuel, ready-to-pass-out bonk.  There are worse things, to be sure; however, there is a brutal sense of hopelessness associated with not being able to run another step without the fear of passing out.  Anyhow, I survived and am poised to step out the door for an easy six-miles this morning.  The training regime continues: this week has 6.5 x 4 and an 18-mile long run on Saturday.  Week 11 is 44-miles of training, the longest of Higdon's training program.

Friday's Time: 55:45
Distance: 5.39
9:39 avg. min/mile
820 cal.
Temp: 60 degrees Fahrenheit

Saturday's Time: 2:46:01
Distance: 15.22 miles
10:54 avg. min/mile
2,254 cal.
Temp: 63 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Ten Summary:
33 miles (282 for training period)
4 runs and 0 gym days
Weight: 197 lbs. (-1 lbs.)

Friday, September 21, 2012

September 20, 2012

Skipped Tuesday's planned six-miles after some hard-core dental work Monday afternoon. Back in the game Thursday with an easy five and change.  Ran it a bit faster than in previous outings; however, I'm skeptical of the GPS accuracy on this one.  It just didn't seem that much faster.  So, out the door this morning for six.  Saturday has a 17-mile long run planned.  Week's total to be in the 34-mile range...

Time: 47:20
Distance: 5.44 miles
8:42 avg. min/mile
781 cal.
Temp: 60 degrees Fahrenheit

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

September 17, 2012

Awoke to a surreal Marine Layer Fog event! The landscape, enveloped in fog, made for an interesting pre-dawn run.  I felt slow and stiff throughout; in fact, I never really found a sustainable groove until the fifth mile, or so it seemed.  Will take Tuesday off, and hit the trail again on Wednesday.  Weather appears to be cooperating.

Time: 56:37
Distance: 6.00 miles
9:27 avg. min/mile
910 cal.
Temp: 58 degrees Fahrenheit

Sunday, September 16, 2012

September 15, 2012

So much for the extra mileage this week: left the house late on Saturday morning, so I was only able to get a seven-miler in the books.  The long-run was scrapped; however, mileage for the week was where it needed to be.  Week nine was the half-way mark in Higdon's training regime: the next five weeks are tough.  Average weekly miles will be in the mid-40s, while the long runs are between 13 and 20 miles.  Still vacillating on whether or not a person really needs two 20-mile training runs prior to the marathon.  I'd rather do 21 or 22 once and then save what limited mojo I have for the marathon! Luckily, the weather seems to have turned and the temps will be pleasant from here on out.  Week ten's schedule: 6-6-6-6-17.

Friday's Time: 46:15
Distance: 5.22 miles
8:51 avg. min/mile
792 cal.
Temp: 59 degrees Fahrenheit

Saturday's Time: 1:07:12
Distance: 7.34 miles
9:09 avg. min/mile
1,112 cal.
Temp: 58 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Nine Summary:
28 miles (249 for training period)
5 runs and 0 gym days
Weight: 198 lbs. (no change)

Friday, September 14, 2012

September 13, 2012

Another very cool morning.  Ran the familiar loop a bit faster thanks to the relatively low temp and humidity.  The plan was to take two days off this week; however, it's currently 56 degrees out, I'm stepping out! Five miles this morning and 13 on tap for Saturday.  An extra five miles never hurt anyone, right? 

Time: 47:35
Distance: 5.36 miles
8:53 avg. min/mile
787 cal.
Temp: 62 degrees Fahrenheit

Thursday, September 13, 2012

September 11, 2012

Tuesday morning bliss! Out the door for another standard, no-frills, five-mile maintenance run. The weather is cooperating nicely--cool like the underside of the pillow!  No complaints.  Building a nice compilation of songs for the marathon, assuming ear buds are feasible.  Took Wednesday off instead of having two off-days in a row...

Time: 45:29
Distance: 4.82 miles
9:27 avg. min/mile
726 cal.
Temp: 60 degrees Fahrenheit

Monday, September 10, 2012

September 10, 2012

Another cool morning! Out the door at 500 am with the temp in the high 50's.  Found myself gravitating to the hits of the 90s this morning...slow pace and lacked a focus, but a day that starts with a run is a good day.  Another five tomorrow...

Time: 48:11
Distance: 5.17 miles
9:20 avg. min/mile
784 cal.
Temp: 58 degrees Fahrenheit

Sunday, September 9, 2012

September 8, 2012

A beautiful, cool dawn with temps in the upper 50s!  Out the door at 500 am for a planned 15 and ended up with 15.50.  Pace was great and my legs were fine.  The run took on performance art status at mile 13, as I became a bit silly, but that's pretty much the norm.  Feeling great as week nine commences.  It's a short week because Mr. Higdon gives us an extra day off.  Saturday's long run is 13.  The total mileage will be 28, down from this week's 37.  This week looks like a 5-5-5-13, with Thursday and Friday being off days.  I may even head to gym...

Time: 2:40:30
Distance: 15.49 miles
10:12 avg. min/mile
2,324 cal.
Temp: 58 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Eight Summary:
37 miles (221 for training period)
5 runs and 0 gym days
Weight: 198 lbs. (no change)

September 7, 2012

Out the door a few minutes behind schedule this morning.  A planned six was shortened to a five and change.  Weather remains hot and humid; however, a "cold front" is on the way.  Solid run to get me ready for Saturday's outing...

Time: 48:07
Distance: 5.23 miles
9:12 avg. min/mile
781 cal.
Temp: 75 degrees Fahrenheit

Thursday, September 6, 2012

September 5, 2012

Local H on the box for a hot and humid five miles.  16 miles in three days gives me a day off on Thursday.  Friday (six miles) and Saturday (15 miles) round out the week. 

Time: 48:24
Distance: 5.18 miles
9:20 avg. min/mile
812 cal.
Temp: 79 degrees Fahrenheit

Wednesday, September 5, 2012

September 4, 2012

Another hot and humid pre-dawn run through familiar territory.  Felt slow from the onset and my time reflects it.  Five-miles on tap for Wednesday morning, followed by a complete off-day on Thursday.

Time: 57:00
Distance: 6.01 miles
9:29 avg. min/mile
952 cal.
Temp: 78 degrees Fahrenheit

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

September 3, 2012

Working a compilation of 90's music into the repertoire! Hard to believe that Siamese Dream is damn near 20-years old. Man. Anyhow, the first mile was slow and tight, but I soon found my groove. It was 80-degrees, though! Stepping out soon for another six...

Time: 49:13
Distance: 5.30 miles
9:18 avg. min/mile
828 cal.
Temp: 80 degrees Fahrenheit

Monday, September 3, 2012

September 1, 2012

Ode to the German war machine. A great long run to cap off the seventh week of training.  Had to remind myself to slow down from the onset, and managed to keep my pace pretty consistent throughout.  Could probably slow down a bit more and still be good.  Physically, no issues thus far, other than being stiff.  Sunday was a great recovery day.  This week's schedule mimics week seven with the addition of one-mile to the long run: 5-6-5-6-15.  Joy...

Time: 2:20:53
Distance: 14.01 miles
10:06 avg. min/mile
2,124 cal.
Temp: 73 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Seven Summary:
36 miles (184 for training period)
5 runs and 0 gym days
Weight: 198 lbs. (no change)

Saturday, September 1, 2012

August 31, 2012

A solid six-mile loop to start Friday morning.  The pace was unexceptional, but a nice run nonetheless.  Temps are inching back up again, which is a bit of a downer, but Autumn remains on the horizon!  Finishing up a cup of coffee and then out the door to get this 14-mile long run in the proverbial books...

Time: 55.19
Distance: 6.01 miles
9:12 avg. min/mile
937 cal.
Temp: 63 degrees Fahrenheit

Thursday, August 30, 2012

August 29, 2012

Stepped out to temps in the low 60s for a nice five-mile run.  It felt almost chilly!  Finished strong, which put my pace right at nine-minutes per mile.  It would be wonderful (and highly unlikely) to run the marathon at that pace.  Thursday is an off day.  I have completely neglected my workout responsibilities at the gym!  Maybe next week I'll get a day of lifting in the books...and maybe not.  80 days out...

Time: 46:59
Distance: 5.23 miles
9:00 avg. min/mile
827 cal.
Temp: 63 degrees Fahrenheit

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

August 28, 2012

Another nice six-mile run in hot and humid conditions.  Patiently awaiting Autumn and cooler temps, but that goes without saying.  Felt slow and a bit stiff and my time reflected it.  Tuesday's run put me over 1,000 miles since I started using Runkeeper to track mileage last August.  Five-miles scheduled for Wednesday.  Saturday's 14-miles looms...

Time: 56.45
Distance: 5.97 miles
9:30 avg. min/mile
938 cal.
Temp: 75 degrees Fahrenheit

Tuesday, August 28, 2012

August 27, 2012

Kicking off the seventh week of training in hot and humid conditions.  A solid Monday run nonetheless.  Times are trending exactly where I would expect them--nine-minute miles.  Physically, I can feel it; however, no aches or pains at this stage.  Six-miles on Tuesday.

Time: 48:02
Distance: 5.19 miles
9:16 avg. min/mile
811 cal.
Temp: 75 degrees Fahrenheit

Sunday, August 26, 2012

August 25, 2012

Out the door early to enjoy the shortest long-run for the foreseeable future.  In fact, the next single-digit long-run is an eight-miler the weekend before the marathon.  From here on out it gets serious, including two twenty-mile runs in October.  No gym days this past week.  This week's schedule: 5-6-5-6-14.  Thursday and Sundays are off days. 

Time: 1:28:49
Distance: 8.93 miles
9:57 avg. min/mile
1,405 cal.
Temp: 76 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Six Summary:
30 miles (148 for training period)
5 runs and 0 gym days
Weight: 198 lbs. (no change)

Saturday, August 25, 2012

August 24, 2012

Dawn Patrol and an easy five and change in the books.  It was a beautiful, cool morning with the Police on the box. Reggatta de Blanc (1979) is one of my favorites.  Anyhow, Saturday's long run is nine miles.  I feel that this, the sixth week of Higdon's program, marks the end of the initial training period and a definite transition into harder training and longer miles.  Sunday is an off day!

Time: 48:45
Distance: 5.32 miles
9:10 avg. min/mile
837 cal.
Temp: 72 degrees Fahrenheit

Friday, August 24, 2012

August 22, 2012

Short Timer! Nice and cool yet again for a quick lap around the block...or so it seems.  Thursday is a complete off day this week: no weights.  Returning to the street for six and nine to finish the week.  I am feeling it, for sure...and it's just starting to get serious.  

Time: 34:13
Distance: 3.84 miles
8:56 avg. min/mile
600 cal.
Temp: 72 degrees Fahrenheit

August 21, 2012

Tuesday morning bliss...out the door early for a nice and easy five-miler.  Still having issues with the Runtracker GPS: the tried and true five-miles is now 4.48 miles.  I definitely have some obsessive-compulsive tendencies, but I'm not sweating it! Solid run in nice weather.  Hitting the trail again on Wednesday...

Distance: 4.48 miles
9:20 avg. min/mile
707 cal.
Temp: 68 degrees Fahrenheit

Tuesday, August 21, 2012

August 20, 2012

Started this, the sixth week of training, off with a very cool (and very nice) 62 degree Monday morning run.  Will tweak the schedule moving forward by adding a day of running, yet will not be adding miles.  Let me explain.  Higdon's model has called for two three-mile runs a week-- since I would rather run six as maintenance, I have simply been combining them in to one six-mile run.  Next week he adds a mile each day, thus bringing the maintenance run to four-miles.  As the miles build, it seems more feasible (from a time management perspective, at least) to adhere to his schedule.  Thus, this week I will run 6-4-4-6-9.  Tuesday's gym day is devoted to the street from here on out!

Time: 55:56
Distance: 6.02 miles
9:18 avg. min/mile
945 calories
Temp: 63 degrees Fahrenheit

Sunday, August 19, 2012

August 18, 2012

Out the door a few minutes after 500 am to get my long run for the week in the books before it became unbearably warm.  Stashed the carbs (Gatorade) at the half-way mark, as well as hit two water stops along the way.  It was a solid end to a good week of training.  I am a bit stiff, most likely due the fact that my training slacked off for two-weeks during our holiday.  For that reason, I did not include those two weeks in my training regiment.  This week is a step-down week in terms of miles: 6-5-6-9.

Time: 1:56:08
Distance: 11.50 miles
10:07 avg. min/mile
1,812 cal.
Temp: 74 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Five Summary:
29 miles (118 for training period)
4 runs and 0 gym days
Weight: 198 lbs. (no change)

Saturday, August 18, 2012

August 17, 2012

Another cool morning to enjoy an almost six-mile loop around campus.  The route is generally six-miles even; however, the GPS decided to shave .12 miles off of Friday's run.  I felt slow and sluggish, and my pace reflects it. 12 miles set for Saturday morning.  I have yet to break-out the long-sleeves; however, I'm hoping that these cool temps remain...

Time: 54:53
Distance: 5.88 miles
9:20 avg. min/mile
916 cal.
Temp: 68 degrees Fahrenheit

Thursday, August 16, 2012

August 15, 2012

A solid mid-week six-miler in relatively cooler temps.  It may seem a bit counter-intuitive, but I really enjoyed listening to Steely Dan out on the trail. Heading to the gym on Thursday and then finishing out the week with six and eleven-mile runs.  I feel good: hopefully the hottest part of the summer is over and the slow, gradual decent in to autumn can begin!

Time: 53:23
Distance: 6.04 miles
8:51 avg. min/mile
911 cal.
Temp: 71 degrees Fahrenheit

Tuesday, August 14, 2012

August 13, 2012

Back in the game after a two-week holiday.  Actually, I continued to run, but did so with a much more relaxed focus.  It was nice stepping out at 500 am to enjoy temps in the low 60's for a nice change of pace.  Monday morning's run back in familiar territory was nice and easy.  Feels good to be back in training mode.  This week's schedule is 5-6-6-11.  A mere 96 days out...

Time: 47:55
Distance: 5.03 miles
9:32 avg. min/mile
787 cal.
Temp: 73 degrees Fahrenheit

Saturday, July 28, 2012

July 28, 2012

Saturday morning bliss: out the door at 500 am for an 11-mile long run to cap off week four of training.  Feels great getting the majority of a run in before "the sunlight hits the olive oil." The heat and humidity were still oppressive, but I managed.  Multiple water stops along the way helped to keep hydration issues in check.  Solid run.

Time: 1:45:53
Distance: 11.02 miles
9:36 avg. min/mile
1,731 cal.
Temp: 79 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Four Summary:
23 miles (89 for training period)
3 runs and 1 gym day
Weight: 198 lbs. (no change)

July 27, 2012

A nice Friday run after a couple of days off.  Six-miles in new shoes.  It felt good getting back to running after missing Wednesday's run.  It was hot and humid, as is the normal in these parts right now.  Stepping out to 75 degrees at 500 am is one thing...adding 98% humidity only exacerbates it!  Planned long-run of eleven miles for Saturday...cooler environs on the horizon.

Time: 56:08
Distance: 6.05 miles
9:17 avg. min/mile
948 cal.
Temp: 75 degrees Fahrenheit

Friday, July 27, 2012

July 26, 2012

A whirlpool and sauna morning! Back on the trail Friday...

Thursday, July 26, 2012

July 25, 2012

Did not run due to this annoying summer cold. Most likely could have without any problem, but I decided to rest instead. Will get back to the gym on Thursday, then hit the road for Friday and Saturday's planned runs of 6 and 11, respectively.

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

July 24, 2012

Standard Back and Bicep workout. As with the Chest and Tricep workout, it basically keeps me active on my two non-running days.  I will never be mistaken for a powerlifter, but it is nice to lift weights a couple of times a week!

Dumbell Curls  3 x 10
Barbell Curls    3 x 10
Preacher Curl   3 x 10
Lat Pull Down  3 x 10
Seated Row      3 x 10

Tuesday, July 24, 2012

July 23, 2012

Monday of week four! Out the door and in to the pre-dawn sauna for a six-mile run.  The base run will be six-miles for about a month, up from five.  Anyhow, it was a solid (and slow) run, even as I crossed paths with a skunk and came damn close to getting sprayed.  My shoes, purchased the first week of May, are shot after 300 miles.  I know this because my knees and ankles are telling me so.  A new pair is on the way, over-nighted from the good people at Road Runner Sports!

Time: 57:05
Distance: 6.00 miles
9:31 avg. min/mile
949 cal.
Temp: 81 degrees Fahrenheit

Monday, July 23, 2012

July 21, 2012

While I loathe to call a six-miler a "long run," for all intents and purposes that's exactly what it was for this week of Higdon's training regime.  The week before the marathon will incorporate an eight-mile long run, otherwise the long runs will range from nine to 20-miles from here on out.  Week Three is in the books; feeling good at this point.  This week's schedule: 6-6-6-11. 

Time: 53:38
Distance: 6.01 miles
8:56 avg. min/mile
941 cal.
Temp: 81 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Three Summary:
22 miles (66 for training period)
4 runs and 1 gym day
Weight: 198 lbs. (no change)

Saturday, July 21, 2012

July 20, 2012

Extremely warm 88 degrees at 500 am! Easy five-miles with a six-mile Saturday on tap. A slight decline in miles, but a solid week nonetheless. Have seemingly settled in to a consistent nine-minute mile pace. Water stop at mile three due to the absurd heat is nice...real nice.

Time: 46:53
Distance: 5.21 miles
9:01 avg. min/mile
815 cal.
Temp: 88 degrees Fahrenheit

Friday, July 20, 2012

July 19, 2012

Chest and Triceps workout.  Reminiscent of circuit training due to the fact that I only have 30 minutes to get in a solid workout.  Feeling it today.  Below is the standard workout.  I have been known to tweak it from time to time.  It is, more than anything, a way to rest the legs and still be training. 

Bench   3 x 10
Incline  3 x 10
Decline 3 x 10
Tricep   3 x 10 (rope pull-down)
Tricep   3 x 10 (overhead)
Cable    3 x 10 (cross-over)

Thursday, July 19, 2012

July 18, 2012

Dawn Patrol.  Five and change in sauna-like conditions.  Cake.  Blew off the Tuesday gym workout just because!  Times have inched back up a bit, as usually happens.  Will definitely be ready for a chest and tri workout on Thursday, followed by a couple of short ones, 5 and 6, to finish the week.

Time: 46:49
Distance: 5.19 miles
9:01 avg. min/mile
807 cal.
Temp: 79 degrees Fahrenheit (75% humidity)

Tuesday, July 17, 2012

July 16, 2012

The third week of training kicked off with a pre-dawn six-mile loop around familiar territory.  I felt a bit sluggish.  The weather was typical--hot and humid.  I remind myself that I will miss these hot and humid runs this winter...if winter decides to return to these parts! All in all a solid beginning to the week.  The Tragically Hip playlist is still trending!

Time: 54.04
Distance: 6.0 miles
9:01 avg. min/mile
898 cal.
Temp: 75 degrees Fahrenheit (94% humidity)

Sunday, July 15, 2012

July 14, 2012

Great way to finish the week: out the door at 500 am and greeted by a relatively cool Saturday morning--5 degrees cooler than the week's average. Nine easy miles at a very manageable pace ensued. Sunday is truly a day of rest: no running or weights! This week's schedule is a planned 6-5-5-6, which will represent a slight drop (2 miles) from this week's total.  Such is Higdon's methodology. 

Time: 1:22.27
Distance: 9.0 miles
9:10 avg. min/mile
1353 cal. burned
71 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Two Summary:
24 miles (40 for training period)
4 runs and 2 gym days
Weight: 198 lbs. (-1)

Saturday, July 14, 2012

July 13, 2012

Hot and humid Friday morning loop in familiar territory.  Recently a friend asked why I didn't run in the afternoon after work instead of getting up so early to do it.  I had to laugh! The thought of running in the 100 degree heat is horrific.  I cannot fathom the thought of running, much less training for a marathon, under such brutal conditions. It just seems so uncomfortable...

Saturday's long run of nine miles looms...

Time: 45.13
Distance: 5.17 miles
8:45 avg. min/mile
763 cal.
76 degrees Fahrenheit

Thursday, July 12, 2012

July 11, 2012

Stepped out to a hot and humid Summer morning!  77 degrees Fahrenheit with 100% humidity at 500 am.  The run was solid, though.  Looking forward to a gym day and then back-to-back days on the trail.

Time: 44.50
Distance: 5.04 miles
8:54 avg. min/mile
758 cal.
77 degrees Fahrenheit

Tuesday, July 10, 2012

July 9, 2012

Monday morning five-miler in the pre-dawn hour is a super way to start the week.  A bit on the humid side, but rain could be on the horizon for the early part of the week.  Physically, all is well. A solid 25-mile per week base makes transitioning into Higdon's plan very easy, especially at the onset.  The middle weeks of September and October are the most difficult...obviously!  To the gym on Tuesday.

Time: 44.53
Distance: 5.09 miles
8:49 avg. min/mile
765 cal.
76 degrees Fahrenheit

Monday, July 9, 2012

July 6, 2012

Friday's run was the longest of the week at seven miles. Took Saturday off, though it would have been an eight-miler.  The first week of training was actually less intensive as a normal, non-training week. This will soon be rectified. Cooler temps are on the way, according to the talking heads.  This week looks like a 5-5-5-8.

Time: 1:03.11
Distance: 7.03 miles
8:59 avg. min/mile
1,044 cal. burned
Temp: 77 F

Friday, July 6, 2012

July 5, 2012

Back and Bi workout at the gym. 30-minutes: in and out, nobody gets hurt. The classic rock station keeps things interesting.  I will never be confused for a bodybuilder; however, lifting a couple of times a week is a nice it let's me rest my legs for a bit!

Thursday, July 5, 2012

July 4, 2012

Up at 400 am to enjoy an hour of stillness prior to beginning the day.  It's a beautiful time, those precious hours before dawn.  Hit the streets at 500 am, as usual, but with it being Independence Day there was absolutely nobody out.  Had the Tragically Hip's Live Between Us blaring...nice to hear Gordie's voice again, as it's been a while.  The run was almost identical to Monday's: same route, similar time.

Time: 43.52
Distance: 5.0 miles
8:47 avg. min/mile
756 cal.

Wednesday, July 4, 2012

July 3, 2012

Chest and Tri workout. I have to be at work by 700 am now. Unfortunately, the gym does not open until 530 am, which gives me a limited window of 30-minutes to workout. The sacrifices are the steam room and whirlpool time that I used to enjoy so much. The horror...

Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 2, 2012

Stepped out to a very pleasant Monday morning.  Did a nice and easy 5-miles to inaugurate this phase of training! The basic campus loop that I've been running since relocating here in '08 can be tweaked from a couple of miles to upwards of nine.  It offers asphalt, grass and sidewalks and is generally well-lit for the pre-dawn hours.  The goal throughout these next 18-weeks is to run four days a week, lift weights twice a week and rest on Sunday.  This may change from week to week; however, I've had good success with this schedule in the past and cannot envision any large-scale deviation...but it's still early. The run data below was taken from Runkeeper, which I highly recommend.  Running with a phone may take some getting used to, but I enjoy having all of the run data in one place.  Gone are the days of driving the route to get mileage and keeping a run log on a legal pad!  Cheers.

Time: 43.57
Distance: 5.0 miles
8:48 avg. min/mile
756 cal.

Sunday, July 1, 2012

July 1, 2012

Wow!  Lot of water under the bridge since my last post.  A non-running related back injury forced me to take January and most of February off to recuperate.  I spent a lot of time in the pool...but it's simply not the same. I was, sadly, unable to run the Memorial Marathon in May.  I have steadily increased mileage through the spring and early summer.  I am currently logging 25 miles a week.  July is here, which means that 18-weeks of training kick off for the Route 66 Marathon in late November.  So here we go again...again. I will keep a log of time, distance, temp and my weight throughout the process.  I will attempt to keep the commentary down to a minimum! The only break in training will be a two-week span in late July when I take the family on a brief holiday.  So, thanks for checking-in! Hitting the pavement in the pre-dawn hours tomorrow to get things underway.  Cheers.