Monday, September 24, 2012

September 22, 2012

Saturday's long-run was definitely a forgettable experience.  Out the door at 430 am in the hopes of getting 17-miles in before the world was up for breakfast.  It was one of those morning when, early on, I knew it would be tough.  Never really felt it.  After pushing it for a couple of miles with the hope of getting through, I bonked at 15.22 miles: completely-out-of-fuel, ready-to-pass-out bonk.  There are worse things, to be sure; however, there is a brutal sense of hopelessness associated with not being able to run another step without the fear of passing out.  Anyhow, I survived and am poised to step out the door for an easy six-miles this morning.  The training regime continues: this week has 6.5 x 4 and an 18-mile long run on Saturday.  Week 11 is 44-miles of training, the longest of Higdon's training program.

Friday's Time: 55:45
Distance: 5.39
9:39 avg. min/mile
820 cal.
Temp: 60 degrees Fahrenheit

Saturday's Time: 2:46:01
Distance: 15.22 miles
10:54 avg. min/mile
2,254 cal.
Temp: 63 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Ten Summary:
33 miles (282 for training period)
4 runs and 0 gym days
Weight: 197 lbs. (-1 lbs.)

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