Sunday, September 30, 2012

Weekend Bliss

As advertised, it was beautiful running weather yesterday morning.  There was a light rain from beginning to end.  A planned six-miles ended up being a slow seven and change (7.28).  Right foot ache (arch) has me a off my game a bit.  Woke up last Tuesday with a bit of discomfort, which has persisted.  I'm relatively concerned due to its nagging nature.  I may rest it another day this week, depending on how it feels post long-run (18 miles) this pm.  It's currently 64 degrees and raining as I prepare to head out. 

Time: 1:12:28
Distance: 7.28 miles
9:57 avg. min/mile
1,099 cal.
Temp: 69 degrees Fahrenheit

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