Sunday, September 9, 2012

September 8, 2012

A beautiful, cool dawn with temps in the upper 50s!  Out the door at 500 am for a planned 15 and ended up with 15.50.  Pace was great and my legs were fine.  The run took on performance art status at mile 13, as I became a bit silly, but that's pretty much the norm.  Feeling great as week nine commences.  It's a short week because Mr. Higdon gives us an extra day off.  Saturday's long run is 13.  The total mileage will be 28, down from this week's 37.  This week looks like a 5-5-5-13, with Thursday and Friday being off days.  I may even head to gym...

Time: 2:40:30
Distance: 15.49 miles
10:12 avg. min/mile
2,324 cal.
Temp: 58 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Eight Summary:
37 miles (221 for training period)
5 runs and 0 gym days
Weight: 198 lbs. (no change)

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