Tuesday, July 3, 2012

July 2, 2012

Stepped out to a very pleasant Monday morning.  Did a nice and easy 5-miles to inaugurate this phase of training! The basic campus loop that I've been running since relocating here in '08 can be tweaked from a couple of miles to upwards of nine.  It offers asphalt, grass and sidewalks and is generally well-lit for the pre-dawn hours.  The goal throughout these next 18-weeks is to run four days a week, lift weights twice a week and rest on Sunday.  This may change from week to week; however, I've had good success with this schedule in the past and cannot envision any large-scale deviation...but it's still early. The run data below was taken from Runkeeper, which I highly recommend.  Running with a phone may take some getting used to, but I enjoy having all of the run data in one place.  Gone are the days of driving the route to get mileage and keeping a run log on a legal pad!  Cheers.

Time: 43.57
Distance: 5.0 miles
8:48 avg. min/mile
756 cal.

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