Monday, March 25, 2013
March 25, 2013
Everything was going great until I hit that North headwind to get back home! Temps in the low 30s with a windchill of 20. Frozen face. Otherwise, it was a super run. Left a bit late (530), so I couldn't get the whole five miles in, but it felt good getting back on the road after a nice five-day respite. Registered for the Hash Bud 10k this morning. Doubtful I'll beat my PR of 44:47 (1998)...but it will be fun. Tom Petty on the box. Retro.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
March 19, 2013
Actually overslept on Monday! Turned the alarm off and slept-in to 515, which meant that running was not an option. The horror. Tuesday's 4.70 mile run was pleasant: shorts and long-sleeves are generally a nice combo. The South wind was a bit extreme; however, it was manageable. Started tight, but loosened up a mile or so down the line. REM and RHCP remain the mainstay. Will hit the road again on Sunday. Planned downtime to rest the moving parts for a bit. Until then, Cheers.
March 16, 2013
Back to semi-cold running weather on a beautiful Saturday morning. Temps in the low 30s. No wind. 5.64 miles with a 9.24 min/mile pace. Finished strong.
Friday, March 15, 2013
March 14, 2013
Shorts with long-sleeves and gloves is a great way to get it done. Warming trend continues. Four + miles. RHCPs on the box.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
March 12, 2013
Pleasant four and change. The morning was in that interesting zone in between cold and frigid. 35 degrees with no wind. I felt slow throughout, although my pace does not convey it. Spartacus Redux Mix to keep me company. Reminding myself that I do in fact have a gym membership...
Sunday, March 10, 2013
March 9, 2013
Cold drizzle made for an absolutely beautiful early morning run. Got out a bit later than usual, which meant that I could actually see where I was headed for a change. Five and change (5.72 miles) to end the week. Time change means I won't get to run in the light of dawn for a couple of months. REM still on the box...
Thursday, March 7, 2013
March 7, 2013
So much for the five-mile minimum! Left the house later than I should have, so there was only enough time for three and change. Oh, well. Good run nonetheless. Temps were around freezing, but the lack of wind made it very manageable. REM on the box. Six (I promise) on tap for Saturday AM...
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
March 5, 2013
Yes, surprise, another cold and windy 530 am jaunt through familiar streets. Four and change and a North wind that was brisk. I need to up the mileage a bit now that I am not having any foot pain or negative feedback from running again. I am constantly reminding myself that I took three months off to rehab my foot and it will undoubtedly take time to get back in game form. These low-mileage runs, while necessary and therapeutic, are not real inspiring. Nothing less than five miles per run from here on out. Maybe a six or seven miler on the weekend to live a little...
March 3, 2013
Sunday morning bliss complete with empty streets and a cold North wind. It was a "trash run" in the sense that the distance was short and I felt pretty unmotivated to fight the wind and cold, thus my pace was lethargic and unimpressive. I just did not "feel it" for lack of a better way of expressing myself. I went to the Smashing Pumpkins vault and listened to Siamese Dream, which is one of my favorites. So I had that going for me.
March 1, 2013
It's now to the point where these four and five-mile maintenance runs are eerily similar, with little or no overall differences between them. There are, to be sure, subtle nuances that ultimately make each run a bit different, which may or not be related to my biorhythm, phase of the moon or how cold it is outside! Anyhow, I have a 10k on the schedule for early April and a half-marathon on tap for the end of April. If the foot holds up and the arch stays intact, perhaps a couple of half-marathons this summer for shits and giggles? We shall see. Blink rotation on the box...
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