Tuesday, December 6, 2016

December 6, 2016

0545 hrs. Dawn Patrol. Campus Loop. Frigid (31 degrees Fahrenheit, -.5 degrees Celsius) with a super-strong North wind that made the return leg of the run a bit uncomfortable. First run of December after taking a week off to wallow in the mire and drink Jameson like it was my job. Layered up like a fiend and felt over-dressed on the Southern portion of the run. Things got serious a couple of miles from the shack when I turned back North in a futile attempt to get back home unscathed. Completed the 4.00 miles in 39:23 for a chilly 9:51 min/mile pace. It's never too cold for a run. "But it's getting harder to describe sailors to the underfed..." Mahalo.