Tuesday, April 23, 2013

April 22, 2013

Hit the pavement after a week off due to a nasty head cold that sidelined me with congestion and an endless flow of snot.  Should not affect the 13.1 on tap for this Sunday morning.  I may be walking the last three, but we shall see.  Longest run since my injury of September 30, 2012 is...gulp...six and change, according to my records.  Did I say that I may be walking the last three?  Unconcerned, as I have plenty of miles on this frame and I am quite confident that, barring an injury, I could run 13 miles under most conditions.  OK, this Monday morning was a five and change affair covering familiar territory. Long-sleeves with shorts.  Pace was solid.  Felt heavy and bloated with clogged lungs and legs that seemed to weigh more than usual.  Stuck in an 80s kind of mind frame on the box.  Will try to get seven or so in on Wednesday, followed by an easy six on Friday.  Sunday will be interesting, for sure.  Bring on the noise.

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