Redbud Classic 10K. 200 pm kickoff. Temps in the mid-70's, which, for someone who runs under cover of darkness in the pre-dawn hours, was like baking in an oven. Luckily, there was a nice breeze from time to time or I would have burned up like a meteorite on re-entry. Overall, the temps took it out of me; however, the doctor, a.k.a. Serpico, and I did manage to break the one-hour mark, albeit by a handful of seconds. Finished the 6.26 miles in 59:39 for a 9:32 min/mile pace. The course was, per custom, a bit crowded this afternoon. People were tapping out due to the heat, at times miles from the finish line. And that is never a good thing. Free beer at the finish line was a first, and should be mandatory for all runs. The amateurs at the OKC Memorial should take note, but they won't. A solid effort under different and difficult circumstances. Two weeks until the half at the OKC Memorial Marathon. Mahalo.
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