Tuesday, May 21, 2013

May 17 and 20, 2013

Combined the two maintenance runs, both fairly uneventful.  Except for the tiny little twist to Friday's run.  Had a massive BRE (Bowel Related Emergency) one-mile from home and had to poach a Porta-Potty on a construction site.  What?  Yes.  There is a first time for everything.  Mother of Jesus.  I have had similar issues in the past.  Remember the Catholic church episode?  There is nothing as depraved as a man frantically scanning the horizon for a place to explode while running down the street.  I have been doing this long enough to realize that one should not take chances with these types of issues; however, I left the shack thinking everything would be OK.  Man, was I mistaken! Yesterday's five and change was not nearly as exciting.  No explosions.  No fear.  No loathing.  Nothing but a basic five-mile jaunt through familiar territory.  Continuing sans music.  Solid groove, nonetheless.

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