Monday, June 2, 2014

June 2, 2014

Dawn Patrol. Awoke to a steady drizzle. Unrelenting, in fact. Stepped out to the rain, as we all know this type of thing will be a luxury in a month or so. The thought of not running never crossed my mind. Soaked. All things were going well until the sudden urge to defecate hit me yet again around mile three. Mother of Jesus. It's not the first time. I toughed it out and then finally exploded in my neighbors' yard a mere 20 yards from my front door. You have not lived until you have squatted in your neighbors' bushes and taken an explosive shit at 630 in the the pouring rain. Never had a chance of making it into the house (mine, not theirs). I'll be running with a paper towel tucked in my waistband from here on out. Anyhow, I was drenched and tired and sick and tired of stressing about not having a place to take a shit. Fuck it. All for 5.01 rain-soaked miles in 49:44 and a 9:55 min/mile pace. Wednesday-Thursday looms. Tuesday off. Aloha.

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