Wednesday, December 31, 2014

December 31, 2014

Dawn Patrol. Last run of 2014. Frozen Face. Frozen Package. Frigid. Miserable. Out the door to 17 degrees Fahrenheit (-8.3 Celsius) with a wind chill of 3 degrees Fahrenheit (-16 Celsius). Brutal north wind. Layered up with winter-rated tights, three long-sleeve dry-fit shirts, full-frontal face mask, a jacket, cold-rated gloves and smart wool socks. And still froze my ass off. Six miles. Campus loop. Deserted frozen streets with a slight dusting of snow. One other freak out on the trail; homeboy running with his dog. We passed in the pre-dawn haze and the dog looked up at me like, "What the fuck is wrong with you idiots?" Started strong and somewhat optimistic, only to decompensate into fear, sadness and regret. Should have driven to the YMCA and run on a treadmill with gas heat and CNN on in the foreground. Said I, never. Bring it, don't sing it. Finished the 6.04 miles in 1:00.31 for a sub-sonic 10:01 min/mile pace. Early Hip Hop on the box. Easy. Solid. New Year's Day off. 1,000 mile goal for 2015. Mileage starts on January 2, 2015. Mahalo.

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