Thursday, November 13, 2014

November 13, 2014

Dawn Patrol. Frozen Face. Temps in the low 20s Fahrenheit (22F) for a frigid -6 Celsius. There was a strong North wind, as well, which definitely made it feel colder and slowed me down on the return leg of the trip. Layered up like a professional and hit the trail for a no-nonsense four-mile campus loop. Finished the 4.31 mile run in 44:10 for a 10:!4 min/mile pace. Right shin issue persists: it still feels funky and may go sideways at the slightest provocation, i.e., putting miles on it.  Pearl Jam on the box, yet again. Lifted on Wednesday. Another day of lifting tomorrow, Friday, and back on the road Saturday AM. Aloha.

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