Saturday, November 29, 2014

November 29, 2014

Dawn Patrol. Out the door a bit later than usual; however, I still beat the sunlight before it hit the olive oil. Awoke to relatively cool temps (48 degrees Fahrenheit), but the strong north wind made it seem almost cold. Layered up as if it was a 30 degree morning run and was fine. Completed the 5.17 mile campus loop in 51:19 for a 9:56 min/mile pace. Slow pace with an easy cadence. Went with the Masters of Hip Hop for an undeniable change this AM. A planned respite for Sunday. Monday ushers in a new month. I am definitely looking forward to hitting the pavement. October was a wash due to injury, while November was an exercise in self-control, as I had to limit my miles to recuperate. Mahalo.

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