Monday, November 3, 2014

November 3, 2014

Dawn Patrol. Finally coming off of the IR after what seemed liked an eternity. A month of downtime due to two very distinct and debilitating injuries. Shin splints (right anterior tibialis) began the ordeal in early October, while another unrelated lower lumbar event kept me out of the game for the past couple of weeks. Once again I feel like the back injury occurred in the weight room. Thank goodness for Mobic. Anyhow, it felt good to get back on the trail this morning. Morning temps in the mid-50s with a gale-force wind out of the south with which to contend. Long-sleeves and shorts. Hit the road at the appointed hour for a nice and easy four-mile loop through familiar territory. Finished the 4.26 miles in 43:03 for a 10:07 min/mile pace. Spartacus redux on the box. Chest and back tomorrow. Another four on Wednesday. Will slowly build the mileage back to the 25 miles per week range by the end of the year. Mahalo.

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