Wednesday, February 12, 2014

February 12, 2014

Dawn Patrol.  Another cold morning. Temp at 21 degrees Fahrenheit with a negligible North wind. So it was cold, but totally manageable.  Finished the go-to five-mile loop in 46:30 for a 9:13 min/mile average pace.  Today's run was a full three minutes faster than Monday's; I felt faster and was able to sustain it.  Spartacus Redux Mix on the box to get me through.  Tuesday's Chest and Tri was solid. Thursday's Back and Bi on tap, while Friday's planned five will lead me into Saturday's long run of 12 easy miles.  May be ramping up a bit quickly; however, I need to start getting some quality long runs completed.  This week's total should be in the 27-mile range.

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