Saturday, October 13, 2012


Wednesday's five and change convinced me to stay off the street for a bit.  The pain in my foot is an undeniable issue (go figure), so marathon training or not, I feel compelled to rest it.  I am rolling the dice here: hopefully, a week or so of rest will provide some healing and allow me enough time to pick-up training and still make a go of the marathon on November 18 (36 days out).  Or not.  So, maybe I'm not as hard-headed and defiant as I think I am.  We shall see how this saga plays out.

Time: 49.42
Distance: 5.25 miles
9:28 avg. min/mile
801 cal.
Temp: 65 degrees Fahrenheit

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Warmer than Monday's run and a bit of wind, but still very pleasant.  Foot pain 3/10 most of the time, although it seems to be more prevalent when not running.  Warming back up in these parts, lows in the 50s and 60s moving forward.  Stepping out for another five and change this morning, while Thursday will be a day of rest. 

Time: 48:51
Distance: 5.38 miles
9:05 avg. min/mile
823 cal.
Temp: 45 degrees Fahrenheit


Coldest run of the cycle! Brought out the long-sleeve compression shirt, hat and gloves for this one.  A beautiful morning with the temp at a solid 33 degrees Fahrenheit.  There was, thankfully, absolutely no wind.  Foot issue continues; however, the extra days of rest seems to have helped.  Ibuprofen and ice/heat will either get me through...or not. 

Time: 49:28
Distance: 5.39 miles
9:11 avg. min/mile
822 cal.
Temp: 33 degrees Fahrenheit

Tuesday, October 9, 2012


After this maintenance run, I felt that taking a couple of extra days to rest my right foot was the best call.  These last two weeks of training, while definitely a huge downer, definitely put the process of marathon training in a clear, realistic perspective: it is brutally difficult on one's body.  I have been running since 1998 and know this well.  My goal is to power through this nagging injury, because I have done it before, but most importantly I am a stubborn jackass who really wants to run this marathon.  A reasonable person would probably go to the doctor and be told to lay off for a month to six weeks, which is what I should do, but...

Time: 49:28
Distance: 5.39 miles
9:11 avg. min/mile
822 cal.
Temp: 62 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Eleven Summary:
16 miles (297 for training period)
3 runs and 0 gym days
Weight: 196 lbs. 

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Cool Runnings! Long-sleeve bliss with the temperature a cool 56 degrees Fahrenheit.  Absolutely beautiful heading out Wednesday morning in the pre-dawn hours.  Ran the exact route as Tuesday morning, only a bit faster.  Pain in the right arch persists; however, I switched to a new pair of shoes with the hope that this rectifies things.  We shall see.  Still sore at this stage.  Heading out for six miles shortly.  Tomorrow is my long day: 12 miles on the agenda.  The weekend is for rest and staying off my feet as much as possible.  Weekly total to be right at 30 miles. 

Time: 48:31
Distance: 5.35 miles
9:05 avg. min/mile
817 cal.
Temp: 56 degrees Fahrenheit

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


The eleventh week of training kicked off with an uneventful five miles.  The weather has finally turned, or so it seems, which is great news.  The only issue moving forward is my right foot: it is still sore and painful to the touch.  I will change shoes this morning to see if a new pair will add support.  Continuing with ibuprofen and six-mile runs in the hopes that the pain goes away!

Time: 49:50
Distance: 5.35 miles
9:19 avg. min/mile
816 cal.
Temp: 57 degrees Fahrenheit

Monday, October 1, 2012


A fitting end to this week's training! Headed out in a steady rain, as is customary, and then things got ugly around mile five.  The rain became a downpour and lightening became an issue.  By mile seven it was like running in a typhoon, which is why I bagged it and headed home. I was bummed about stopping short, but it was pointless to continue: had it been a marathon, the race would have been called.  Not the best week of training; however, these things happen.  The plan is to take today, Monday, off and get four runs in this week: 6-6-6-12. 

Time: 1:26:22
Distance: 8.00 miles
10:49 avg. min/mile
1,182 cal.
Temp: 64 degrees Fahrenheit

Week Ten Summary:
32 miles (281 for training period)
5 runs and 0 gym days
Weight: 196 lbs. (-2 lbs)