Saturday, October 12, 2013

October 11, 2013

Friday Morning Blues.  5.07 miles on the Campus Loop.  Salami, cheese and crackers and red wine for a late dinner seemed like a stellar idea until about mile four.  Bonked a mile and change from the house.  Brought it back to the shack under my own power, but could have called it a day at that point and slept until noon.  Whey protein and Almond milk for breakfast saved my life.  Interestingly enough, I still managed to get the run in under a 10:00 per mile pace.  Temps in the mid-60s with a bit of humidity; South breeze for added fun.  The run itself was not so bad: it was that nauseated feeling of hypoglycemia and fear in the kitchen post-run that is never good.  Blew off Saturday's run.  May double up Sunday and Monday if the running gods conspire with me.  Cold front on the way.

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