Friday, October 4, 2013

October 4, 2013

Late Friday morning seven and change.  Left the shack at 930 am and it was already approaching the 80 degree mark.  Running in the light of day may have thrown me off my game.  The generally staid sidewalk jumped up and tripped me about 30-seconds into the run.  I lost balance, hit the cement, rolled and miraculously landed on my feet pretty much in stride.  It was an amazing move.  Scraped the hell out my right knee, elbow and both palms, but I survived.  I wisely went on to run a solid 7.23 miles, most of it with a pronounced limp.  It was my longest run since June 28th.  Amazing to think I can run over 200 times a year for years in the pitch black of the madrugada and not have a fall, yet on one of the few times I head out during the daylight hours I promptly clip it.  Blinded by the light, heat stroke fears and hobbled knee issue notwithstanding, it was a good run.  Blink 182 on the box.  Just like the Old Days.  Sunday and Monday back-to-back.  Assuming I can walk.

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