Monday, October 28, 2013

October 28, 2013

Blew off this weekend's run for no good reason at all.  Almost marine layer fog to begin another week of runs.  Temps in the mid-50s with a slight South breeze.  A very dependable 5.10 miles around the campus, per custom.  I generally do not like to use the word "fast" when describing my runs, but todays 9:03 minutes per mile pace is the fastest loop in quite some time.  (I posted a 8:57 per mile pace on June 13, 2013.)  The rest of the week looks like 6-5-6, to round out with 22 miles.  October has been a solid month of running: times trended downward, while frequency increased.  And, most importantly, other than a spastic face plant fall, injuries have been non-existent.  Sitting out July and August due to injury meant that ramping up too fast in September and October was a concern.  With two months of solid progress, I would like to incorporate a long run in to November's schedule. Winter looms...

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