Monday, December 30, 2013

December 30, 2013

Kicked off Week Two with an extremely cold (16 degrees Fahrenheit) pre-dawn run around the university.  Winds were light and variable.  It was frigid.  Absolutely.  The novelty of these frigid runs wore off weeks ago; however, they have now become a source of pride and discipline.  I feel like it simply cannot be cold to run five or six miles.  The wind, on the other hand.  Fruit Salad Mix on the box.  Overall time was 48:08 for the 5.01 mile run, which translates to an average pace at 9:36 min/mile.  I figured out how to edit the GPS points to correct errors on the tracking.  This morning, for instance, Runkeeper clocked my first mile at 3:30.  That's three minutes and thirty seconds.  No human being has ever run a mile that fast.  I will not be the first.  Anyhow, sick of these meaningless malfunctions, I turned to the Google for relief and figured it out.  Another five on tap for Tuesday.  This rare Monday-Tuesday back to back allows me to take off Wednesday without guilt.  Happy New Year.  Cheers!

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