Thursday, January 29, 2015

January 29, 2015

Dawn Patrol. Out the door at the appointed hour and met with an unbelievable 50 degrees Fahrenheit (10 Celsius), along with a pretty strong north wind. Left the gloves at home, but worked the long-sleeves and shorts. Times were slow; I attribute the slowness to the copious amount of red wine consumed last evening, but it could be age or the thousands of miles on the odometer. I digress. Hit the eastern approach to begin things and finished up strong on the western side of the loop.  Completed the 6.01 campus loop in a leisurely 59:25 for a subsonic 9:53 min/mile pace. Really took a hit on the way home being pounded by that brutal north wind for three miles. More 90s music on the box.  Generation X, for the uninitiated. Weather changes on the way. Could be wet and cold on Saturday. A lethal combination. Aloha.

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