Saturday, August 22, 2015

August 22, 2015

Dawn Patrol. Saturday morning bliss. Temps in the manageable low-70s (73 degrees Fahrenheit, 23 degrees Celsius) with 100% humidity. Imagine running in a sauna. Started relatively strong for the first four miles: sub-ten minute miles and feeling good.  Hit the proverbial wall around mile five. Finished depleted and lackadaisical. Headed out from the Eastern approach, South to the Highway 9 boundary and then returned home through the South Greek. I'm definitely getting stronger, the last mile notwithstanding. Completed the 6.14 mile campus loop in a sub-sonic 1:02:02 for a 10:06 min/mile pace. Spartacus Redux on the box. Finished the week with 17.56 miles. Will definitely break 20 next week. Mahalo.

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