Friday, January 31, 2014

January 31, 2014

Dawn Patrol.  Temps were a balmy 35 degrees.  Ran in shorts and long-sleeves.  Slight breeze from the North.  Second run of the week after blowing off a planned six on Wednesday.  For no good reason other than being exhausted.  These things happen.  Hard chest and tri workout on Tuesday left me depleted.  No harm.  Today's 5.03 was a bit faster than usual.  Finished in 46:45 for an average pace of 9:18 min/mile.  Mixed Greens Remix on the box.  Planned 12-miles tomorrow, Saturday.  Atmospheric conditions look favorable.  Next week looks like a brutal mix of cold fronts, sleet and ice.  Will take it nice and slow maƱana.

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