Tuesday, September 2, 2014

September 2, 2014

Dawn Patrol. Another week and another month kicked off this AM. Finished August averaging around 20-miles per week. Will increase some in September. Hot and humid, of course, with a strong thunderstorm brewing on the horizon that brought a bit of wind. Out the door before the dawn. Completed the standard 5.98 mile loop in 1:00:08 for a 10:03 min/mile average pace. Solid pace throughout, yet felt depleted around the fourth mile. Calorie and carb intake have been down these past couple of weeks in a concerted effort to shed a few (15) pounds as we move into Autumn. Spartacus Redux Mix on the box with a nice fruit salad mix of the good shit. Back and bi on Wednesday, with another six planned for Thursday. Mahalo.

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