Saturday, November 9, 2013

November 9, 2013

It was an absolutely perfect Autumn morning for running.  Temps in the low 40s with an ever-slight breeze from the South.  Long-sleeves, shorts, gloves and a cap may be my favorite ensemble.  Headed out thirty minutes later than usual, so I had the opportunity to actually see the ground I was traversing. Seven easy miles around the campus.  Slowed things down a bit for a 9:38 min/mile pace.  Headed North to Andrews Park, down the Legacy Trail to Jenkins, South to the Lloyd Noble and then back North through the South Greek and the West side of campus.  Solid.  22 miles for the week.  Taking Sunday off.  Next week: 5-6-6-7.  Tuesday and Friday to the gym.

November Numbers:
Runs: 5
Miles: 27.9
Average Pace: 9:31 min/mile
Calories burned: 4,248
Time on the Road: 4:25:36

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