Saturday, May 11, 2024

May 9, 2024

1800 hrs. The 22nd Run of the Cycle. Eastern Front to start, transitioned to the Western Loop, and home through the woods via the single-use trail. Slowed the pace, but added a nice change of scenery. Warm (86 degrees Fahrenheit, 30 degrees Celsius) and humid  (65% RH) with lingering threats of storms that never materialized. Lithium Mix on the Box. (It's worth the time!) Completed the 4.80 miles in 1:09:25 for a 14:28 min/mile pace.


Wednesday, May 8, 2024

May 7, 2024

1900 hrs. 21st Run of the Cycle. 85 degrees Fahrenheit (29 degrees Celsius) with 65% RH. Lithium Mix on the Turntable. Solid effort. Eastern Approach to the Western Lopp and home on the single-use for S and Gs. Completed the 4.79 miles in 54:49 for an 11:27 min/mile pace. Mahalo. 

May 5, 2024

1300 hrs. Rare mid-afternoon run through familiar territory. Ran with Duck. 20th run of the Cycle. West Loop until calf issues forced Duck into a controlled walk. Completed the 4.35 miles in a sub-sonic 1:10:37 for a 16:15 min/mile pace. Sans music. Mahalo. 

April 30, 2024

1800 hrs. 19th Run of the Cycle. 81 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius) with 60% RH. Eastern Approach with a link to the West Loop. Home through the woods. Lithium Mix on the Box. Completed the 4.76 miles in 53:09 for an 11:10 min/mile pace. Mahalo. 

Sunday, April 28, 2024

April 24, 2024

1900 hrs. The 18th Run of the Cycle. Returned to the Eastern Approach on a rare back-to-back. Abridged run through familiar territory. The temp was a warm 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius) with 50% humidity. Lithium Mix on the Box. Completed the 3.55 miles in 38:47 for a 10:55 min/mile average pace. Mahalo. 

April 23, 2024

1830 hrs. The 17th Run of the Cycle. East Trail for a change of pace. Relatively cool 73 degrees Fahrenheit (23 degrees Celsius) with negligible humidity. Relishing the waning days of Spring before the oppressive summer heat hits. Lithium Mix on the Turntable. Completed the 4.46 miles in 48:35 for a 10:54 min/min pace. Mahalo. 

Sunday, April 14, 2024

April 14, 2024

1700 hrs. The 16th Run of the Cycle. Treadmill Bliss. Home 2 Suites, Lakewood Ranch. The go-to 10-40-10. A ten-minute walk, followed by a four-miler at a ten-minute per mile pace, and a ten-minute walk to top it off. Nirvana on the Box. 

March 26, 2024

1730 hrs. 15th Run of the Cycle. Overcast, windy. 70 degrees Fahrenheit (20 degrees Celsius) with storms on the horizon. Lithium Mix on the Turntable. Solid four and change. Completed the 4.45 miles in 47:39 for a 10:42 min/mile pace. Mahalo. 

March 24, 2024

0530 hrs. 14th Run of the Cycle. Cinta Costera for the third and final run of the trip. Nice and easy four-miler. 77 degrees Fahrenheit (25 degrees Celsius) with 90% humidity. Lithium Mix on the Turntable. Completed the 4.00 miles in 45:56 for an 11:29 min/mile average pace. Mahalo.  

Friday, March 22, 2024

March 22, 2024

0600 hrs. The 13th Run of the Cycle. It was 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius) with 90% humidity at the crack of 600 AM.  La Cinta Costera. Stuck to the grass sections instead of the hardscape. Lithium Mix on the Turntable. Completed the 4.01 miles in 45:31 for an 11:21 min/mile pace. The final run of the trip is planned for Sunday. Mahalo. 

Wednesday, March 20, 2024

March 20, 2024

0700 hrs. A rare run with Jo. The 12th Run of the Cycle. Ciudad de Panamá and the Cinta Costera. A very pedestrian-friendly hardscape of bricks and asphalt, green spaces and outdoor activities. Bike and pedestrian bliss. Nice and easy, extremely warm and humid. 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius) with 90% humidity at the crack of seven. Like a steam room, with an intermittent breeze of the Gulf of Panama. Sans Music. Completed the 4.12 miles in a sub-sonic 54:14 for a 13:10 min/mile pace. Mahalo. 

Sunday, March 17, 2024

March 17, 2024

1800 hrs. The 11th Run of the Cycle. Steady rain from the beginning to the end. Eastern Approach, including a loop around the baseball fields for S and Gs. The temp was a manageable 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius) with 90% RH. An absolutely beautiful day for running. Fruit Salad Mix on the Box. Completed the 6.11 miles in 1:09:34 for an 11:24 min/min pace. Mahalo. 

March 15, 2024

1800 hrs. The 10th Run of the Cycle. Go-to trail run through familiar territory. West Loop Revisited. Overcast and humid. Bliss. Hal Higdon rules in effect. 78 degrees Fahrenheit (26 degrees Celsius) with 70% RH. Hum on the Box. Because, of course. Completed the 4.40 miles in 51:56 for a sub-sonic 11:39 min/mile pace. Mahalo.  

March 7, 2024

1730 hrs. The 9th Run of the Cycle. The heat is building; the waning days of a weak Florida winter are upon us. The temp was 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius) and the 70% RH made it slightly uncomfortable. Probably could have ditched the long-sleeves for this one. Rediscovering Hum after a 30-year hiatus. Deep dive. Completed the 4.44 miles in a pedestrian 49:53 for an 11:15 min/mile pace. Mahalo. 

Friday, March 1, 2024

February 22, 2024

1730 hrs. The 5th Run of the Cycle. The go-to Western Loop. Sunny and relatively warmish 73 degrees Fahrenheit (23 degrees Celsius). Lithium Mix on the Box. Completed the 4.44 miles in 49:53 for an 11:15 min/mile pace. Mahalo.  


March 1, 2024

1730 hrs. The 8th Run of the Cycle. Drake on the Box. Soft rain throughout the final third. A very manageable 61 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius) with overcast skies and low humidity. Fading daylight. Empty spaces. Sea legs returning. Completed the 4.44 miles in 50:05 for an 11:16 min/mile pace. Strong finish. Mahalo. 

Thursday, February 29, 2024

February 26, 2024

1800 hrs. 7th Run of the Cycle. A beautiful 72 degrees Fahrenheit (22 degrees Celsius) with negligible humidity. Winter may be in the rearview mirror. Solid trail run through Allied territory. Western Approach. Lithium Mix on the Box. Completed the 4.44 miles in 49:53 for a 11:15 min/mile pace. Mahalo. 

February 24, 2024

0800 hrs. The 6th Run of the Cycle. Treadmill Bliss. Hampton Inn Style. The go-to 10-40-10 routine. Ten-minute walk, followed by a four-miler in 40 minutes, and a ten-minute cool down walk for S and Gs. Nirvana on the Box. Mahalo. 

Tuesday, February 20, 2024

February 19, 2024

1800 hrs. The 4th Run of the Cycle. Western Approach. Cool 62 degrees Fahrenheit (17 degrees Celsius) with 60% RH. Beautiful sunset on the home stretch.  Lithium Mix on the Turntable. Completed the 4.38 miles in 52:08 for an 11:54 min/mile pace. Mahalo. 

Monday, February 19, 2024

February 17, 2024

1600 hrs. 3rd Run of the Cycle. Gray and muddy. Saturday afternoon run through familiar territory. The temp was an uncomfortable 42 degrees Fahrenheit (6 degrees Celsius) with wind and constant drizzle. Trails were hammered. Lithium Mix on the Turntable. Completed the 4.45 miles in 52:43 for an 11:51 min/mile pace. Mahalo. 

February 11, 2024

0930 hrs. 2nd Run of the Cycle. Blue skies for days; the sand and surf for good measure. Walked for 3.16 miles with Duckworth and then we ran/walked another 3.67 miles for good measure. The beach vibe was solid and the weather was perfect. Reggae on the Box. Completed the 3.67 miles in 1:07:54 for a sub-sonic 18:30 min/mile pace. Mahalo.

Wednesday, February 7, 2024

January 28, 2024

1300 hrs. Inaugural Run of 2024 and, subsequently, the 1st Run of the Cycle. At the crack of January 28th. Proud. Back in the game after a ten-week, self-imposed exile from all things healthy and life-sustaining. Beautiful weather; 60 degrees Fahrenheit with blue, cloudless skies. Lithium Mix on the Box. "No one sings like you anymore..." Finished the 4.06 miles in 48:35 for a sub-sonic 11:58 min/mile pace. The 2024 goal is 120 runs for the cycle, which, for those of you scoring at home, is 38 more runs than I managed in 2023. Buena suerte, como dice la gente. Mahalo. 

Monday, November 13, 2023

October 24, 2023

1730 hrs. Sanctuary. 82nd Run of the Cycle. 80 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius) with 50% RH. Lithium Mix on the Box. Waning afternoon sunlight. Cloudless. Abridged East Loop. Completed the 3.33 miles in 35:47 for a 10:45 min/mile pace. Mahalo. 

October 18, 2023

1830 hrs. 81st run of the Cycle. West Loop Blues. A refreshing 65 degrees Fahrenheit (18 degrees Celsius) with 60% RH. Blue Skies for days. Nirvana on the Box. Lounge Act in heavy rotation. Completed the 4.40 miles in 48:09 for a 10:56 min/mile pace. Mahalo. 

November 13, 2023

0900 hrs. Back after a three-week, self-imposed respite. A rare weekday AM run through familiar territory. 83rd Run of the Cycle. A cool 60 degrees Fahrenheit (16 degrees Celsius) with 60% RH. Gray and Overcast. Lithium Mix and Long-Sleeves. Autumn in the Horse Latitudes. Completed the 4.50 miles in 49:26 for a 10:59 min/mile pace. Mahalo. 

Friday, October 13, 2023

October 12, 2023

1900 hrs. Hip Hop on the Box. Retro. 80th Run of the Cycle. Soggy, overcast skies. Post-Thunderstorm Bliss. The temp was a cool 21 degrees Celsius (69 degrees Fahrenheit) with 95% RH. I'm not all in on Autumn being here, but it was a beautiful run and a precursor of things to come. East End; abridged. Completed the 3.63 miles in 43:13 for a sub-sonic 11:54 min/mile pace. Mahalo. 

Tuesday, October 10, 2023

October 9, 2023

1800 hrs. 79th Run of the Cycle. Paradigm Shift as cool temps rule the day—71 degrees Fahrenheit, 22 degrees Celsius—with 50% RH. Beautiful late afternoon run on the West Loop. Lithium Mix on the Box. Completed the 4.44 miles in 48:49 for an 11:00 min/mile pace. Mahalo. 

Friday, October 6, 2023

October 4, 2023

1900 hrs. The 78th Run of the Cycle. The temp was 81 degrees Fahrenheit (27 degrees Celsius) with 65% RH. Autumn on the Brink. Lurking, patiently. Lithium Mix on the Box. The Garden of Sound. East to West and fading sunlight. Completed the 4.00 miles in 43:55 for a sub-11 10:58 min/mile pace. Mahalo. 

September 30, 2023

1300 hrs. A rare Saturday afternoon run through Allied territory. The 77th of the Cycle.  A very warm 28 degrees Celsius (82 degrees Fahrenheit) with 60% RH. West End Blues. Lake Jackson and surrounding environs. Lithium Mix on the Box. Creep. Completed the 4.45 miles in 51:15 for a pedestrian 11:30 min/mile pace. Mahalo. 

September 27, 2023

1900 hrs. 76th Run of the Cycle. A mere 73 degrees Fahrenheit (23 degrees Celsius) with 90% RH. Absurd humidity. Florida-style. Lithium Mix on the Box. Rested Legs Syndrome. Fo' Real. Soggy trails; mud, fear. Completed the 4.56 miles in 51:38 for an 11:19 min/mile pace. Mahalo.